Category: Rant
My Perspective
My perspective is how I see the world. Not everyone will agree with me. I expect that. If everyone was just like me, that would be a dull boring world. No, I take that back. I don’t think it would be a dull boring world. I think it would be an awesome world and we…
When I get mad
I don’t get mad a lot. It rarely solves anything, and makes me feel miserable while the cause of my anger doesn’t seem to be impacted in the least. That doesn’t seem fair. I try to solve and/or eliminate things that push me toward being mad, which seems to be a better channel for that…
Find Me Here
Since you’re here, you already know one place to find me in case the bird joint collapses. I won’t delete my account, but who knows what’s going to happen over there. Somehow, almost 3000 people still follow me for some reason, and I follow 2500 or so. I will miss everyone if things don’t work…