In no particular order:
- Aimee is awesome at Mastermind.
- One bottle of wine can last 2 evenings. 4 bottles can last 3.
- Ketchup kinda is a vegetable.
- One bottle of whiskey can last 4 days, 2 bottles can last 5.
- Spaghetti sauce works on pasta, ramen, squash, and pop tarts.
- Gin is a vitamin.
- Birthday cake Oreos are an abomination.
- No matter what you do, someone will complain.
- There is always another dandelion.
- Dishwashers don’t.
- Our bartenders are our friends and we miss them.
- Most things in our house we never touch.
- Communicating clearly is a skill.
- I believe people act with good intentions. Even the morons. It’s a lie, but it feels better inside believing this.
- Nightmares come from cats licking your feet as you sleep.
- Clean and dirty are abstract states that flow across a transformative spectrum of being and have little relation to modern life.
- Antiperspirant is pore glue.
- People who are shitty during tough times should and will be eliminated from my life.
- Uncertainty makes people fearful and thoughtless.
- Some food lasts longer than I thought, some rots quickly in dramatic style.
- Counting things is overrated.
- Using puppets as bathroom attendants is more awkward than expected.
- Our electrical circuits need to be re-balanced somehow.
- Some people. Amirite?
- Half-empty or half-full doesn’t matter if it’s milk. It’s all about timing.