Category: Unthoughts
First day of 2025
Well, this is it. This is what we’ve been waiting for it. All of human history has come to this point. It’s 2025. Sure, it is another arbitrary day to start everything all over again. But this way we make something new, fresh, exciting! I started this post over a month ago, with the idea…
The Cat in the Mask
I started this a while back, probably during the dark times. The sun did not shineIt was too wet to play.So we sat in the houseAll that cold covid day I sat there with SallyWe sat there, we two.We were all out of TPSo we didn’t want to poo. Not allowed to go outTo a…
Road Trip: August 2024
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one, two at the most, people to adjust their physical bonds to the locality in which they reside, and venture into the expanded realm of existence that is evident and visible around them. In these times, it is essential for one people to say…
One show, two show, all the shows go go go
How do you go to so many shows? I get asked that not infrequently. And in some ways, i get it. Most people have an artist or two that they want to see, they get tickets, and they go. They know what they are going for, they pay for it, and they go for a…
To belong
Maybe we are hard wired to want to belong. To be in a group. I imagine the comfort early humans would feel when being accepted into a group of others, no longer terrified and alone, wandering as prey from another. There must have been a mental schism in the evolving primates who walked, possibly for…
My Perspective
My perspective is how I see the world. Not everyone will agree with me. I expect that. If everyone was just like me, that would be a dull boring world. No, I take that back. I don’t think it would be a dull boring world. I think it would be an awesome world and we…
When I get mad
I don’t get mad a lot. It rarely solves anything, and makes me feel miserable while the cause of my anger doesn’t seem to be impacted in the least. That doesn’t seem fair. I try to solve and/or eliminate things that push me toward being mad, which seems to be a better channel for that…
Find Me Here
Since you’re here, you already know one place to find me in case the bird joint collapses. I won’t delete my account, but who knows what’s going to happen over there. Somehow, almost 3000 people still follow me for some reason, and I follow 2500 or so. I will miss everyone if things don’t work…
Good run of shows
I like live music, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t get to all of them. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon of sprints. There were so many shows that I missed. Thursday 9-29 – Shady Oaks Friday 9-30 – The Luka State – Micky James – Cousin Simple Saturday 10-1 –…
San Pasqual Winery Bubble Room
This panorama VR plugin this is squirelly. Not sure if you’ll see any thing here. From another point in the room Walk from hotel to Winery
San Diego 360s – Top of Hyatt
Yeah, not sure if these viewers work or not. Top of the Hyatt – Look around From a different point in the room. Click to view the San Pasqual Winery Bubble Room.
I didn’t expect…
There are times I feel we delude ourselves into believing things that we know aren’t true. There are some things that are so common that it’s really foolish to set false expectations. Common sense may not be so common. ‘Trust and verify’, and ‘everything changes’ are phrases that get me through the day. Here are…