First day of 2025

Well, this is it. This is what we’ve been waiting for it. All of human history has come to this point. It’s 2025. Sure, it is another arbitrary day to start everything all over again. But this way we make something new, fresh, exciting!

I started this post over a month ago, with the idea that I’d have a sort of outline for the year. A guide that I could refer back to. I thought I would ask myself “Is this in my guide? Ah, yes, there is section C-2, points A-C, subsections R1 and R2” and I’d be good to go. That paragraph above is as far as I got.

Writing a manifesto really is a pain in the ass. No wonder it appeals to crazy people. “Ooh I’m being so productive! 200 pages written.” I don’t think they ever have an editor come back through to polish things up, either. I don’t. Focused stream of consciousness writing is fun, but reviewers and editors don’t get nearly enough credit. If Ted Kazinski had an editor, he would have ended up with a 2 page pamphlet available by writing to Pueblo, Colorado, and the mental health support he really needed. “Come in out of the cold, Ted. Ya your squirrel squad will be fine for a while without you. We’ve got a flushing toilet with 3 sea shells. You can bring the squirrels back a treat after we talk with some friends and hug it out a little.” Even this post is starting to look like a red flag. So I’d like to make something clear.

My goal in life, this year and any other, is to live my life – every odd, jangling, how does that even work, is that safe bit of it. I’ll be careful to not spill on others, or be too loud at those early morning hours I tend to still be up. I don’t need agreement, understanding or approval except from a select few, and they already know me. I don’t need a squad to join, or a society with a membership card. I completely get that THIS *gestures all around* may not be what you do, or maybe it’s something you do once in a while, or only on holidays with close family, and that’s fine. It’s not YOU. It makes me happy (or less than massively bored and depressed) so I’m going to do it. You are welcome to join or not at anytime!

Similarly, I want you to live your life. Every bit of you, whatever it is. Your thing is your thing. Make your life enjoyable. I hope to get invited to come hang out and learn something! I love meeting people and learning different perspectives. Stranger are just friends that you aren’t sure what life lesson they exemplify yet. I respect your choices. They are your choices and they apply to you. Whatever you do, that’s fine. Love it.

And whatabout THOSE people? Over there, the ones that are way different? I may have no clue what’s going on, but it seems to help them make sense of the world and their place in it; have at it kids. I add it to my list of “Things Humans Do to Feel Humany”. Oddly, I don’t have to understand it to love it for them; I can support their ability to do their thing and be happy for them, and I will write it as such when I submit my report to augment the current “Mostly harmless” entry. I respect their choices.

This is the way I see the world around me. There are so many places, experiences, cultures, activities, feelings, emotions, and perspectives possible, there’s NO WAY anybody could know or understand them all. That’s totally fine. It’s a magical world, and every magician (that’s all of us) has a different repertoire of tricks. Some have imaginary assistants, some have chemical modifiers, some are vegan and do crossfit. These examples are easy to point out because they are usually pretty vocal. There are others that are less obvious, less visible, less definable by people who aren’t experiencing it, but are in no way less valid. Everyone has joys, and everyone has struggles. I hope to provide joy to others in some way, and not add to anyone struggles. Honestly, that’s my real goal, but it puts a lot of pressure on both of us. We don’t need that. Let’s just have our fun and share good stories.






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