Author: Bugfrog
Not even
I was a kid once, maybe even twice. But both were a long time ago, and neither was very fulfilling. Lots of time spent waiting for things to happen, waiting for my turn, finding something else to keep my mind occupied in the meantime. The waiting even became the event at times. Let’s see if…
My research is complete
Knowledge is vital. Proven knowledge. Tested, verified, and fact based knowledge. And while I have found academia to be a pompous naval gazing circle of terrified rule followers trained to be subservient to a patriarchal self-congratulating hierarchy of punishment bearing overlords, I do have a healthy appreciation for learning, reading, experimental observation, critical thinking, challenging…
It’s not like that
It’s not like I’ve had nothing to write. I’ve written tons of notes on ideas that have come into my head since last we spoke. Great ideas, terrible, but great. In fact I read through a bunch the other week and decided to do a little hearts and flowers break. Things are getting to me…
The Very Best
[rant] I don’t need things to be ‘the ultimate best’, and I’m sick of all the freaking ads for the best socks, the best shoes ever made, the ultimate knife sharpener, the most amazing OMG you just HAVE TO HAVE these ultimate microfiber underwear, jeans, t-shirts, every freaking stupid little thing. WTF? Someone is profiting…
19 things I’ve learned during COVID-19
In no particular order: Aimee is awesome at Mastermind. One bottle of wine can last 2 evenings. 4 bottles can last 3. Ketchup kinda is a vegetable. One bottle of whiskey can last 4 days, 2 bottles can last 5. Spaghetti sauce works on pasta, ramen, squash, and pop tarts. Gin is a vitamin. Birthday…
Working on my writing…
All work and no play makes Bug a dull boy. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. All work and no play makes Bug a dull boy. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. All work and no play makes Bug a dull boy. Passersby were amazed by the…
Audio Streaming Testing
Testing out embeding Mixlr Bryan Bugfrog is on Mixlr
360 Testing
[sphere 640] [sphere 638]
Crafting a Cover Letter – Would you hire me?
I’m looking for a new job, so I get to send out cold-open letters that I hope will cut through the clutter of all the other letters companies receive these days. How’s this sound? Would you hire me? Will you? Please? Dear Future Co-worker, Astronaut-Samurai-Plumber. If you want to hire someone, that’s the description you…
End of Twenty-shiteen Wrap-up
Ah, 2016. You were a disjointed mouthful of fruit juice joy and bile-scented cottage cheese heart clots. Your only saving grace is the train-wreck maelstrom that 2017 is shaping up to be. I’ll always remember you. But despite the challenges of this past year, I have much to be thankful for, and feel extremely fortunate.…
A New Uncanny Valley?
As VR and MR enter into the mainstream consciousness, people are starting to get familiar (or at least using) with terms that have been common in the 3D, VR, and animation fields for many years. In one way this is great to see. Language is the key to communication, and once we have a shared…
Virtual Reality & Mixed Reality: We just don’t know
There has been a lot of excitement and hype about virtual reality and mixed reality in the news full of predictions, estimates, and expectations for what the future will bring. Much of it is based on actual reality, and there’s a good bit that is based on one of many possible realities. For people in…